Our Programs

Agape Volunteers Program (AVP)

AGAPE VOLUNTEERS PROGRAM(AVP) assists worldwide community development programs by mobilizing short-term volunteers to share their skills in local work programs in schools, colleges, NGOs, rural villages, girls and children safe Houses and orphanage centers as well as providing for project funding and children and girls sponsorships.

WITH US now can realize your dreams of travelling and making a difference by volunteering with us in Tanzania.

It is always a joy when someone’s life has been made better because of your shared time, talents and skills.  With AVP, your safety is our highest priority, and all our projects and facilities are usually appreciated.

Join our extremely affordable program trusted by volunteers we have served from Europe, Canada, USA and Asia and Africa.

Welcome to volunteer in Tanzania

If you are passionate about helping others and making the world a better place, surely you are reading from the right volunteer program. Provide your skill-set a proper venue for skills-sharing and learning while improving lives in local communities. Our placements and projects cover the following areas:  

Work at AKOS School serving girls who are victims of GBVs, early marriages and teen pregnancies (Shinyanga region, Tanzania )

Work at the AGAPE Girls SAFE HOUSE (Shinyanga region, Tanzania)

Work In an Orphanage (Shinyanga Region, Tanzania)

Conduct Psycho-social counseling to girls and women victims of GBVs

Teach English in a public primary or secondary school (Shinyanga Region, Tanzania).

Teach in Vocational Training Centers (Shinyanga region, Tanzania)

Conducting NGOs capacity building and fundraising

Healthcare Projects (Mwanza, Shinyanga and Dodoma)

Raise Awareness For HIV/AIDS (Shinyanga, Mwanza, Tabora and Dodoma)

Summer Volunteer and Adventure Program Tanzania (4 Weeks)

In addition to the above listed projects, we also offer group programs for college and high school students, family volunteering and many other specialized programs. Contact us for further details.

Volunteer in Tanzania: Fees & Dates

Program Dates

We have got affordable and flexible fees and travel modalities and in case you have travel constraints, you can still start your chosen program on any day of the year.

Please lick the link to check the program page for the available dates

Our Fees:

We’re dedicated to providing the highest quality volunteer programs at the lowest fees, which make it possible for everyone, especially students, to volunteer internationally and make a positive impact in the lives of others.

We believe in 100% transparency. Rest assured; we never use middlemen. Your one-time registration fee of $300 covers our administrative costs. The low weekly fee is paid in the host country directly to your host family and project (via country coordinator), and includes housing, food, and minor expenses.  AGAPE is a non-profit organization, so your program fees are tax deductible. Click the link to access the fees and program durations.

Agape Programs

Meet The Team